Amica At Swan Lake
Markham, ON


Design and minor variance application to permit a 120 bed continuum of care community comprising both residential suites and institutional occupancies designed in accordance with the new MOH design guidelines for long term care.

The project is located within an established adult lifestyle community on a very tight 2.24 acre site complicated by a high water table, poor soil bearing conditions and a restrictive height bylaw. Committee of Adjustment  approval was granted for a reduced parking standard requiring only a single level of underground parking.

The development takes its architectural design inspiration from the grand resort hotels.

Bob’s experience in the seniors housing and health care industry, and his willingness to listen to his client’s needs and then synthesize the two into cost effective solutions proved beneficial to Amica on many occasions.
— Neil A. Prashad - Executive Vice-President, Amica Mature Lifestyles Inc.